Velement offers deep experience in all aspects of corporate leadership, asset and development management, listed real estate operation, local authority place leadership and multisite team management.
Managed assets with NOI ranging from £2m to £60m in UK and Ireland town and city centres and edge of town retail warehousing
Prepared, reviewed and monitored the delivery of cashflow underwrites in over 400 business plans applying risk weightings to upside and downside scenarios
Overseen c 2000 leasing deals to a wide range of retail, F & B, leisure, logistics , office and healthcare operators
JV board member (and Chair) on asset vehicles (up to £1.5bn GAV) including Bristol Alliance, Birmingham Alliance, Croydon LP, Oracle LP, Brent Cross Partnership, Dundrum TC, West Quay Partnership, Swords JV and The Mall LP
Represented Liverpool City Council on several boards including Sciontec (JV between LCC, Bruntwood and Liverpool universities) Liverpool John Lennon Airport (JV with Peel Holdings) and LCC wholly owned company ACCL (operator of M&S Bank Arena and Conference centre)
Overseen planning and delivery of complex repurpose plans including:
300 unit PRS former Debenhams conversion in Leicester
105 unit PRS scheme in Dundrum TC
Subdivision and profitable relet of former Debenhams in Bullring, Birmingham
Subdivision and retail/leisure/F & B reletting of former HoF store in Leicester
£60m award winning reconfiguration of Blackburn town centre
Board level oversight of Brent Cross and Croydon masterplans including shift from major 1.5m retail/leisure developments to mixed use phased masterplans
Oversight of Martinuex Galleries, Birmingham master plan/planning consent
Value accretive mixed use estate planning consents in Leeds, Bristol, Southampton, Dublin and Birmingham