Corporate Services

Corporate Services - Enhancing Operating Platform Capabilities

Real Estate has become increasingly operational, as income returns depend on lease flexibility, a customer focus and efficient cost management.

Velement  draws upon 10 years of plc board experience, leading and managing operating platforms through significant disruption and change, having worked alongside global management consultants and highly experienced business coaches on strategic and operational reviews. Velement will provide a range of cost effective bespoke corporate services, supporting clients in times of intense stress and change, with a clear objective to build capabilities across operating platforms.

As cost inflation bites, organisations need to do more with less. Velement will review, identify efficiencies and work with management teams to implement those savings, whilst maintaining the operational strength of the platform.

Centralised or decentralised? Organise by function or region? Vertically integrate the full operation? These are some of the questions that Velement will address in a bespoke organisational review for clients. Following the review, as required Velement will support and implement team restructuring, combining compliance with an authentic sensitivity helping teams and individuals through difficult times of change' always applying the Human Factor.


Where an intense period of high level support is required, Velement will provide interim management\leadership services to clients, adopting a commercial,  results based approach to any assignment.


With experience on over 15 significant JV asset boards, some of which were under significant distress, Velement  provides independent /non-executive director support, there to intelligently challenge and support management teams. 

Velement has experience of organising and delivering industry conferences, workshops, panel sessions and  media interviews including BBC R4 Today programme and will help clients plan and deliver bespoke events to help build insight and capabilities inside and out-with their organisation.

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